Installation: Showcase 1,Chelsea Millbanck, London, UK, 2001
Interactive piece that enables the user to create drawings and sounds compositions. The audio background is created by the phonetics sounds of multiple languages such as English, Mandarin and Arabic in the form of musical notes. It is a piece that was produced with the idea of linking it to the Eyemouse produced by John Tchalenko, Research Fellow at Camberwell College of Arts. In his research he is looking at cognitive ways for learning to draw, while I am interested in communicative processes using text-sound and image. For this piece and taking into consideration Tchalenko's idea of learning to draw with your eyes. I used 'meaningless' phonetic sounds as the basic elements used in speech to learn to speak, conceiving in this way both parts of the brain: the linguistic and the visual.
Click here to download the shockwave plugin to view work.