The Winnipeg, El Barco de la esperanza

El Poema que cruzó el Atlántico, 2017


Gateway to the World,Visualisation Poetics, Hamburg, Bergen,Barcelona, Bremen 2014- 2017


Repurposing in Electronic Literature, 2013

Curator, Košice, Slovakia


Women Digital Writers, 2013

Showreel for Women Shift Digital Conference


E-Poetry Festival 2013, Kingston University, London

Convener M.Mencía


Words Unstable on the Table, 2013

Curator, Watermans Art Centre, London, UK


Connected Memories, 2009-2010


Generative Poems (on going)

Accidental Meaning, 2007, 2005 TIES Grant, Key Centre of Design Computing and Cognition, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, The University of Sydney, Australia.

Autocalligraphy: Electronic Generative Handwriting

2006,Promising Researcher Fellowship, Kingston University, London, UK & (MRL) Media Research Lab at New York University, USA.

Cityscapes:Social Poetics/Public Textualities 2005, AHRC Small Grants in the Creative and Performing Arts & RMIT Melbourne, Australia.


Audible Writing Experiments, 2003

AHRB doctoral funding


Birds Singing other Birds' Songs, 2001

AHRB doctoral funding


Another Kind of Language, 2001

AHRB doctoral funding



AHRB doctoral funding


Wordy Mouths, 2000